Affiliate Marketing For Bloggers: Ultimate Guide

Are you looking to start an affiliate marketing business? Well, I have good news for you. Affiliate marketing for bloggers can be a great way to make money online! This article will show you how to create a successful blog and promote affiliate products in order to make a living out of it

Let’s jump right in!

First of all, What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the use of one’s website or blog as a way to promote and sell another company’s product or service. Most companies will provide links on their website that will direct readers to the relevant affiliate products. While there is money to be earned in any niche, affiliate marketing for bloggers is very popular among health and fitness-related brands, fashion, and parenting categories. A survey of just 550 affiliate marketing campaigns found 18.7% of campaigns promoted fitness products, 14.3% were related to the health/fitness niche, and 5.3% were in the parenting or fashion categories.

How Can You Benefit From Affiliate Marketing?

affiliate marketing blog

So now that we know what affiliate marketing is, let’s find out how it can benefit you as a blogger.

In order to promote a service or product, you need to insert a link to it within your blog. Therefore, whenever you have a visitor to your blog, they will see the link to the company’s product and may then purchase the product through your affiliate link. This creates a win-win situation: you earn money when you recommend the higher-priced products to your audience, and the company earns more profits from promoting them through your traffic.

The commission structure for affiliate marketing for bloggers is generally two-tier. At first, the affiliate companies only pay their marketers for direct sales created by their blogs. However, as their readership increases, the commissions become more generous and include all commission fees and added benefits such as blog content, ads, and keywords. Bloggers are also paid when their visitors click on the affiliate links or banners, purchase the products advertised, and join the affiliate companies’ list. Some companies pay their bloggers in both ways, while others focus on simple click-through commissions. Regardless of the way they are paid, however, these programs allow a great deal of flexibility by allowing you to create multiple blogs that bring in multiple commissions.

If you have been blogging for a while, you know that promoting certain higher-priced affiliate products can be extremely difficult. Because the majority of bloggers do not own websites, they don’t have access to the inner workings of certain high-end or high-priced affiliate products. As a result, they are limited in their ability to successfully promote these products.

By creating a blog and linking it to a product’s website, they can provide potential customers with vital information about the product without owning the site themselves. Keep in mind that not every company offers an affiliate program that you can join. 

Below is one affiliate program that you can join.

How to Make a Consistent Income With Affiliate Marketing as a Blogger?

income from affiliate marketing for blogs

Many bloggers understand the concept behind affiliate marketing programs but struggle to make a consistent income. This is often due to the fact that they simply don’t spend enough time writing or they do not take the time to build a large customer base. By focusing solely on generating revenue and not spending the time necessary to grow their client base, they may not realize a substantial amount of additional income over time. Fortunately, there are a number of tools and methods that bloggers can use to ensure that they maximize revenue potential and generate recurring income streams.

Be Consistent in Blogging 

If you want to make a consistent income with affiliate marketing as a blogger then – surprise: you need to be consistent in blogging! You need to make a schedule about when and how many blog posts you will be publishing per week. Remember that consistency in blogging is key. Why? Well, first of all – it creates a habit for your audience on when to expect your blog posts. Secondly, it shows the search engines that you are consistent, and therefore, the crawlers will crawl your blog on a regular basis which ultimately will boost your search engine rankings.

Be present on Social Media

If you want to increase the traffic of your blog then you should be working in establishing a consistent presence on social media. Depending on which niche you are specializing in, you can also start building an audience on one or more social media platforms. The best and the most popular social media platform for bloggers earning from affiliate marketing is Pinterest.

To learn more about how you can boost your affiliate marketing income using Pinterest then just click here.

Use Email Marketing

One way that bloggers can increase their revenue potential is through email marketing. This method allows the blogger to simply send traffic to an opt-in page for a particular product or service. The email list can then be used to send out other communications such as advertisements or sales messages. Email marketing works best when used with a targeted niche and targeted subscribers. Additionally, the frequency that an affiliate marketer needs to send emails will depend on how much revenue they generate from promoting that particular product or service.

To Wrap Up

Affiliate marketing remains one of the most popular ways for bloggers to monetize their blogs. However, in order to make that happen, bloggers should first find a great niche for their blog, find which affiliate program they want to be part of, start blogging on a regular basis following the latest SEO trends, and even perhaps boost their traffic with social media and email marketing.

In other words, blogging and earning through it means that you should invest time, knowledge, and even money in it in order to make it work. We understand that for many people this could be a challenge at first, therefore, if you need some help with this, check out our services and contact us!